
Software/Hardware requirements

Hi, everyone. In this video, I want to do an overview of hardware and software requirements. You will know what is typical stuff for data science competitions. I want to start from hardware related things. Participating in competitions, you generally don't need a lot of computation resources. A lot of competitions, except imaged based, have under several gigabytes of data. It's not very huge and can be processed on a high level laptop with 16 gigabyte ram and four physical cores.

Quite a good setup is a tower PC with 32 gigabyte of ram and six physical cores, this is what I personally use.

You have a choice of hardware to use. I suggest you to pay attention to the following things. First is RAM, for this more is better. If you can keep your data in memory, your life will be much, much easier. Personally, I found 64 gigabytes is quite enough, but some programmers prefer to have 128 gigabytes or even more.

Next are cores, the more core you have the more or faster experiments you can do. I find it comfortable to work with fixed cores, but sometimes even 32 are not enough.

Next thing to pay attention for is storage. If you work with large datasets that don't fit into the memory, it's crucial to have fast disk to read and write chunks of data. SSD is especially important if you train narrowness or large number of images.

In case you really need computational resources. For example, if you are part of team or have a computational heavy approach, you can rent it on cloud platforms. They offer machines with a lot of RAMs, cores, and GPUs. There are several cloud providers, most famous are Amazon AWS, Microsoft's Azure, and Google Cloud. Each one has its own pricing, so we can choose which one best fits your needs and budget. I especially want to draw your attention to AWS spot option. Spot instances enable you to be able to use instance, which can lower your cost significantly. The higher your price for spot instance is set by Amazon and fluctuates depending on supply and demand for spot instances. Your spot instance run whenever you bid exceeds the current market price. Generally, it's much cheaper than other options. But you always have risk that your bid will get under current market price, and your source will be terminated.

Tutorials about how to setup and configure cloud resources you may find in additional materials.

Another important thing I want to discuss is software. Usually, rules in competitions prohibit to use commercial software, since it requires to buy a license to reproduce results. Some competitors prefer R as basic language. But we will describe Python's tech as more common and more general.

Python is quite a good language for fast prototyping. It has a huge amount of high quality and open source libraries. And I want to reuse several of them.

Let's start with NumPy. It's a linear algebra library to work with dimensional arrays, which contains useful linear algebra routines and random number capabilities.

Pandas is a library providing fast, flexible, and expressive way to work with a relational or table of data, both easily and intuitive. It allows you to process your data in a way similar to SQL. Scikit-learn is a library of classic machine learning algorithms. It features various classification, regression, and clustering algorithms, including support virtual machines, random force, and a lot more.

Matplotlib is a plotting library. It allows you to do a variety of visualization, like line plots, histograms, scatter plots and a lot more.

As IDE, I suggest you to use IPython with Jupyter node box, since they allow you to work interactively and remotely. The last property is especially useful if you use cloud resources.

Additional packages contain implementation of more specific tools. Usually, single packages implement single algorithm. XGBoost and LightGBM packages implement gradient-boosted decision trees in a very efficient and optimized way. You definitely should know about such tools.

Keras is a user-friendly framework for neural nets. This new package is an efficient implementation of this new ]projection method which we will discuss in our course.

Also, I want to say a few words about external tools which usually don't have any connection despite, but still very used for computations. One such tool is Vowpal Wabbit. It is a tool designed to provide blazing speed and handle really large data sets, which don't fit into memory. Libfm and libffm implement different types of optimization machines, and often used for sparse data like click-through rate prediction. Rgf is an alternative base method, which I suggest you to use in ensembles. You can install these packages one by one. But as alternative, you can use byte and distribution like Anaconda, which already contains a lot of mentioned packages.

And then, through this video, I want to emphasize the proposed setup is the most common but not the only one. Don't overestimate the role of hardware and software, since they are just tools. Thank you for your attention.

  • open/software-hardware-requirements.txt
  • 마지막으로 수정됨: 2020/06/02 09:25
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