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lein new re-frame re-frame-example-10x +10x

;; We will alias re-frame.core to rf:
(rf/dispatch [:buy 32343])

Events are vectors. They are named by a keyword in the first position. You can attach other data to the Event after the name. In the case above, the :buy Event needed an item id to know what the user wants to buy.

(defn buy-button [item-id]
   {:on-click (fn [e]
                (.preventDefault e)
                (ajax/post (str "" item-id "/purchase")
                  {:on-success #(swap! app-state assoc :shopping-cart %)
                   :on-error #(swap! app-state update :errors conj)}))}

That Component does quite a lot! It defines:

  1. How to calculate the products' purchase URL
  2. Where to store the item in the cart when a response comes back
  3. How to handle a request error

    There is more code for handling these chores than for rendering HTML. Re-frame's Events help you separate out concerns. If your code is about rendering HTML, it goes in a Component. If it is about interpreting the user's intent or having effects outside of the component, it goes in an Event.

Using those guidelines, let's rewrite our Component:

(defn buy-button [item-id]
    {:on-click (fn [e]
                 (.preventDefault e)
                 (rf/dispatch [:buy item-id]))}

Here's how we can define how to handle the :buy event.

(rf/reg-event-fx ;; register an event handler
  :buy           ;; for events with this name
  (fn [cofx [_ item-id]] ;; get the co-effects and destructure the event
    {:http-xhrio {:uri (str "" item-id "/purchase")
                  :method :post
                  :timeout 10000
                  :response-format (ajax/json-response-format {:keywords? true})
                  :on-success [:added-cart]
                  :on-failure [:notified-error]}
     :db (update-in (:db cofx) [:cart :items] conj {:item item-id})}))

  • open/re-frame.txt
  • 마지막으로 수정됨: 2022/12/24 06:42
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