-- hs.osascript.javascript([[
  --     (function() { 
  --         var app = Application('Code');
  --         app.includeStandardAdditions = true
  --         // app.activate()
  --         for (win of chrome.windows()) {
  --               win.activeTabIndex = 1;               
  --               win.activate()
  --         }
  --     })();
  --   ]])
  -- local wf = hs.window.filter
  -- wf_timewaster = wf.new(false):setAppFilter('Code', {
  --     allowTitles = 'docker'
  -- })
  -- wf_timewaster:activate()
  -- local r = table.pack(hs.application.find("Code"))
  -- print("TABLE", r)
  -- local code = hs.application.find("Code")
  -- hs.application.enableSpotlightForNameSearches(true)
  -- print(code:allWindows())
  -- hs.window.allWindows()
  -- local wins = hs.window.visibleWindows()
  -- local codeWindowFilter = hs.window.filter.new():setAppFilter('Code')
  -- print(codeWindowFilter)
  -- local wins = wf.new(false):setAppFilter('Code', {
  --     allowTitles = 'system'
  -- })
  -- win:setFullScreen(true)
  -- local runningApp = hs.application.get('Code')
  -- print("ra:", runningApp)
  -- local windows = hs.fnutils.filter(runningApp:allWindows(), function(win)
  --     print("w", win)
  --     return win:isStandard()
  -- end)
  -- local windows = hs.window.orderedWindows()
  -- local wins = hs.application.get('docker'):allWindows()
  -- hs.fnutils.map(hs.window.filter.new():getWindows(), function(win)
  -- if win ~= hs.window.focusedWindow() then
  --     return {
  --         text = win:title(),
  --         subText = win:application():title(),
  --         image = hs.image.imageFromAppBundle(win:application():bundleID()),
  --         id = win:id()
  --     }
  -- end
  --     print("win title:", win:title())
  --     print("app title:", win:application():title())
  -- end)
  -- local wins = hs.window.allWindows()
  -- local wf = hs.window.filter
  -- local f = wf.new(false):setAppFilter('Code', {
  --     -- fullscreen = true,
  --     -- allowScreens = '-1,0',
  --     currentSpace = false
  -- }):getWindows()
  -- local f = wf.new(function(w)
  --     return w:frame().area > 3000000
  -- end)
  -- local apps = {wf.new(false):setAppFilter('Code')}
  -- for _, w in pairs(apps) do
  --     wins = w:allWindows()
  --     for _, w in pairs(wins) do
  --         print("w:", w)
  --     end
  -- end
  -- local sc = hs.screen.allScreens()
  -- for _, s in pairs(sc) do
  --     print("all screen:", s)
  -- end
  -- wf_terminal = hs.window.filter.new {'Code', 'Code'}
  -- for _, win in ipairs(wf_terminal:getWindows()) do
  --     print("win:", win)
  --     if win ~= nil and string.find(win:title(), "docker") then
  --         moveWindowToLeftHalf(win)
  --         win:focus()
  --     end
  -- end
  -- local frontmostApplication = hs.application.frontmostApplication()
  -- if frontmostApplication and frontmostApplication:name() == "Code" then
  --     print(frontmostApplication)
  -- end
  -- local wins = hs.application.get('Code'):allWindows()
  -- local wins = hs.window.filter('Code'):getWindows()
  -- first = wins[1]:id()
  -- second = wins[2]:id()
  -- print("first:", first)
  -- print("second:", second)
  -- local result = hs.fnutils.each(wins, function(data)
  --     print("Data:", data)
  -- end)
  -- for i, v in pairs(hs.window.invisibleWindows()) do
  --     print(i, v)
  -- end
  -- print("result: ", result)
  -- hs.hints.windowHints()
  -- hs.osascript.javascript([[
  --     (function() { 
  --         var app = Application('Code');
  --         app.includeStandardAdditions = true
  --         app.activate()
  --         app.displayDialog("dialogText", {
  --             buttons: ["Don't Continue", "Continue"],
  --             defaultButton: "Continue",
  --             cancelButton: "Don't Continue"
  --         })
  --     })();
  --   ]])

  • open/hammerspoon-allwindows.txt
  • 마지막으로 수정됨: 2022/05/31 05:55
  • 저자