
(ns build
  (:require [clojure.string :as string]
            [ :as b]
            [deps-deploy.deps-deploy :as deploy]))
(def lib 'art/pedestaldocker)
(def main-cls (string/join "." (filter some? [(namespace lib) (name lib) "core"])))
(def version (format "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"))
(def target-dir "target")
(def class-dir (str target-dir "/" "classes"))
(def uber-file (format "%s/%s-standalone.jar" target-dir (name lib)))
(def basis (b/create-basis {:project "deps.edn"}))
(defn clean
  "Delete the build target directory"
  (println (str "Cleaning " target-dir))
  (b/delete {:path target-dir}))
(defn prep [_]
  (println "Writing Pom...")
  (b/write-pom {:class-dir class-dir
                :lib lib
                :version version
                :basis basis
                :src-dirs ["src/clj"]})
  (b/copy-dir {:src-dirs ["src/clj" "resources" "env/prod/clj"]
               :target-dir class-dir}))
(defn uber [_]
  (println "Compiling Clojure...")
  (b/compile-clj {:basis basis
                  :src-dirs ["src/clj" "env/prod/clj"]
                  :class-dir class-dir})
  (println "Making uberjar...")
  (b/uber {:class-dir class-dir
           :uber-file uber-file
           :main main-cls
           :basis basis}))
(defn all [_]
  (do (clean nil) (prep nil) (uber nil)))

clj -T:build all

(ns build
  "The build script for the example of the poly documentation.
   * uberjar :project PROJECT
     - creates an uberjar for the given project
   For help, run:
     clojure -A:deps -T:build help/doc
   Create uberjar for command-line:
     clojure -T:build uberjar :project command-line"
  (:require [ :as io]
            [ :as b]
            [ :as t]
            [ :refer [with-dir]]
            [ :as bb]))
(defn- get-project-aliases []
  (let [edn-fn (juxt :root-edn :project-edn)]
    (-> (t/find-edn-maps)
(defn- ensure-project-root
  "Given a task name and a project name, ensure the project
   exists and seems valid, and return the absolute path to it."
  [task project]
  (let [project-root (str (System/getProperty "user.dir") "/projects/" project)]
    (when-not (and project
                   (.exists (io/file project-root))
                   (.exists (io/file (str project-root "/deps.edn"))))
      (throw (ex-info (str task " task requires a valid :project option") {:project project})))
(defn uberjar
  "Builds an uberjar for the specified project.
   * :project - required, the name of the project to build,
   * :uber-file - optional, the path of the JAR file to build,
     relative to the project folder; can also be specified in
     the :uberjar alias in the project's deps.edn file; will
     default to target/PROJECT.jar if not specified.
   * the input opts with :class-dir, :compile-opts, :main, and :uber-file
   The project's deps.edn file must contain an :uberjar alias
   which must contain at least :main, specifying the main ns
   (to compile and to invoke)."
  [{:keys [project uber-file] :as opts}]
  (let [project-root (ensure-project-root "uberjar" project)
        aliases      (with-dir (io/file project-root) (get-project-aliases))
        main         (-> aliases :uberjar :main)]
    (when-not main
      (throw (ex-info (str "the " project " project's deps.edn file does not specify the :main namespace in its :uberjar alias")
                      {:aliases aliases})))
    (binding [b/*project-root* project-root]
      (let [class-dir "target/classes"
            uber-file (or uber-file
                          (-> aliases :uberjar :uber-file)
                          (str "target/" project ".jar"))
            opts      (merge opts
                             {:class-dir    class-dir
                              :compile-opts {:direct-linking true}
                              :main         main
                              :uber-file    uber-file})]
        (b/delete {:path class-dir})
        (bb/uber opts)
        (b/delete {:path class-dir})
        (println "Uberjar is built.")

  • open/build.clj.txt
  • 마지막으로 수정됨: 2022/06/20 10:42
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