테리의 딥러닝 토크

[무료 강좌 - 섬머스쿨]
머신러닝 1시간으로 입문하기 (Terry) https://goo.gl/FoPe2c
Deep Learning & Reinforcement Learning Summer School
(2017) https://goo.gl/4WthXN
(2018) https://goo.gl/Z7stFe
Machine Learning Summer School (MPI) https://goo.gl/5hQtA1

[무료 강좌 - 한학기 강좌]
DeepLearning.ai (Andrew Ng) https://goo.gl/mMr4AW
CS231n (Stanford) https://goo.gl/WTLZkg
CS224d (Stanford) https://goo.gl/nmY6Ws
Fast.ai (Fast.ai) https://goo.gl/aBkesx

[무료 강좌 - 강화학습]
Deep RL bootcamp (UC Berkeley) https://goo.gl/i6CbtR
UCL lectures (DeepMind) https://goo.gl/gF7EoY
CS294 (UC Berkeley) https://goo.gl/d17a5x

[무료 강좌 - 한글]
모두의 딥러닝 (김성훈) https://goo.gl/zP6cYS
모두의 강화학습 (김성훈) https://goo.gl/XQiB9f
자연어 처리 (조경현) https://goo.gl/h8q6Kw
딥러닝 논문들 (최성준) https://goo.gl/7f2YyN
머신러닝 & 파이썬 (최성철, 유료) https://goo.gl/gy3U2y

[무료 책]
“Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” https://goo.gl/EMbNKm
“The Element of Statistical Learning” https://goo.gl/Y8GqqG
“Gaussian Process for Machine Learning” https://goo.gl/4LU3Df
“Dive into Deep Learning” https://goo.gl/Bk5wF5
“Deep Learning” https://goo.gl/4kVPrm
“Machine Learning: a Probabilistic Perspective” (유료)

  • open/테리의-딥러닝-토크.txt
  • 마지막으로 수정됨: 2020/06/02 09:25
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