Jae-Hee Song Live Stream - 소개 - Time Series Database # Database 란 Database - Relational - Oracle - MySQL - MS SQL Server - PostgreSQL - DB2 - NoSQL - Document Store - MongoDB - Key-Value Store - REdis - Wide Column Store - Cassandra - Graph DB - Neo4J - Time Series Db - InfluxDB - NewSQL - VoltDB - MemSQL - NuoDB # Time Series Data Data is stored with timestamp - Measurements - Table - Tags - Indexed column - Fields - unindexed column Line protocol [key][fields][timestamp] Key ``` # measurement only cpu # measurement and tags cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west # measurement with commas cpu\,01,host=serverA,region=us-west # tag value with spaces cpu,host=server\A,region=us\ west ``` Timestamp ![](https://goo.gl/DMDxUH) http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/temp-and-precip/asos/