

What's ArcSDE

Storing Geopraphic Features in a SQL database

Data Access

DatabaseConnectionSpatialReferencequerycursorvalueShapeType 1Type 2pointlineararea


Introducing Geometry

Shape validation

ArcSDE shape verification rules

The points of an area shape are stored counterclockwise although the ArcSDE software can return points in either direction. If you generate an area shape whose coordiantes are clockwise, the ArcSDE software changed the rotation to ensure that the coordinate list follows a counterclockwise direction.

Operations of Geometry Objects

Spatial relations


The pattern matrix contains the acceptable values for each of the intersection matrix cells. The possible pattern values are


Interia Boundary Exterior
a Interia T * F
Boundary * * F
Exterior F F *

Representations of Geometry

Well-known representations of geometry

Geometry Representation Specification maintained by: Encoding Supports 2D Supports Elevations
Well-Known Text(WKT) ISO/OGC ASCII Yes Yes1)
Well-Known Binary(WKB) ISO/OGC Binary Yes No
Shape File ESRI Binary Yes Yes
ArcSDE Binary ESRI Binary Yes Yes

The well-known text representation for geometry

관련 문서

Additional tags have been added by ESRI to support Elevations and Measures