# Sequences - [[range]] ; returns a lazy sequence of integers that span a specified range - [[repeat]] ; returns an infinite lazy sequence that repeats a value - [[repeatedly]] ; returns an infinite lazy sequence of values generated by calls to a given function - [[iterate]] ; like repeatedly, but each call to the function takes the previous element as argument - [[cycle]] ; returns an infinite lazy sequence that repeats the elements of a collection - [[lazy-seq]] ## core sequence functions - [[next]] ; like [[clojure_rest|rest]], but returns [[nil]] for sequence of zero or one elements - [[nth]] ; like [[get]], but works on sequences - [[apply]] ; invokes a function with arguments taken from sequence - [[clojure_map|map]] ; returns a lazy sequence produced by invoking a function with arguments from sequences - [[reduce]] ; returns result of invoking a function on successive pairs of elements - [[reductions]] ; returns a lazy sequence of the intermediate values that would be produced by reduce - [[filter]] ; returns a lazy sequence of elements of another sequence for which a condition function returns true - [[remove]] - [[take]] - [[take-last]] - [[take-nth]] - [[concat]] --- - [[interleave]] ; returns a lazy sequence that takes elements from multiple collection round-robin - [[interpose]] ; returns a lazy sequence in which a value is inserted in between elements of a sequence - [[distinct]] ; returns a lazy sequence in which only the first occurrence of any value is retained - [[reverse]] ; returns a list of the elements of a sequence in reverse order - [[flatten]] ; returns a lazy sequence containing the elements of a sequence and its nested sequences - [[sort]] ; returns a non-lazy sequence of the elements of another sequence in sorted order - [[compare]] ## Refs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFPiPBIkAcQ