# Navigator 2.0 - Page: An abstract class that describes the configuration of a route - Router: A class that manages opening and closing pages of an application - RouterInformationParser: An abstract class used by the `Router`'s widget to parse route information into a configuration - RouteInformationProvider: An abstract class that provides route information for the `Router`'s widget - RouterDelegate: An abstract class used by the `Router`'s widget to build and configure a navigating widget - BackButtonDispatcher: Reports to a Router when the user taps the back button on platforms that support back button (such as Android) - TransitionDelegate: The delegate that decides how pages transition in or out of the screen when it's added or removed. ════════ Exception caught by widget library ════════════════════════════════════ The Navigator.pages must not be empty to use the Navigator.pages API ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ## Ref - https://www.raywenderlich.com/19457817-flutter-navigator-2-0-and-deep-links