# Getting Started with Istio Service Mesh {{tag>Getting Started with Istio Service Mesh}} Manage Microservices in Kubernetes ## Table of Contents - 1: Quick Tour of [[Kubernetes]] - 2: Introduction to the [[Service Mesh]] - [[Sidecar Pattern]] - [[Envoy]], the Sidecar Provider - Configuring Envoy - Verifying the Service - 3: Installing [[Istio]] - 4: Istio [[VirtualService]] - Request Routing - Kubernetes Practices - [[DestinationRule]] - [[VirtualService]] - [[Canary Releases]] - 5: Istio [[Gateway]] - [[Ingress]] - [[SSL]] Secure Sockets Layer - External Service Access - 6: Service Resiliency - 7: Application Metrics - 8: Logs and Tracing - 9: Policies and Rules - 10: Troubleshooting