# fourkeys ### Docs - [[fourkeys alternatives]] ### Links - https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/fourkeys {{ https://i.imgur.com/JI2fJ2C.png }} ### Key metrics definitions This Four Keys project defines the key metrics as follows: - [[Deployment Frequency]] - How frequently a team successfully releases to production, e.g., daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. - [[Lead Time for Changes]] - The median amount of time for a commit to be deployed into production. - [[Time to Restore Services]] - For a failure, the median amount of time between the deployment which caused the failure and the remediation. The remediation is measured by closing an associated bug / incident report. - [[Change Fail Rate]] - The number of failure per the number of deployment. For example, if there are four deployments in a day and one causes a failure, that is a 25% change failure rate. ### Design: Four Keys Tables {{ https://i.imgur.com/MjQBQoN.png }} ### Installation https://bit.ly/dora-fourkeys git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/fourkeys.git ./setup/setup.sh